Thursday, September 17, 2009

Life's little joys!

First Smiles

So Cute and getting so Big.

Miss Diva

Ready for BSU football.

Lagoon Trip '09.

What Hudson thought of Lagoon. Maybe next year!

I can't believe they let Maris on this ride. Too crazy.

Benn and Maris

Enjoying the view.

Notice Benn's arm around Maris! Too cute.

We have a photo of this last year and hope to get ones in years to come and see the changes in the kids. So fun for them!

Oh so sweet.

Maris' new thing. Taking pictures of us!

Hudson taking a bottle from dad for the first time. Yeah he could care less if it's me or a bottle as long as he is getting food!


Get ready to go out on the town. Look at those cute shoes!

Fun at the Fair.

This is the only ride Maris wanted to ride. The train!

With Poppy

Helping Dad with even with heels on!

Church picnic. Fun carnival games.

Always fun to have a little face painting!

Lovin' my bath.

I love these pants!

Go Hawks!

Fun times.

Too cute in her bathing suit. Ready for a swim in the kiddy pool.

Maris Loves Hudson hair and wants to suck her thumb and rub his hair all the time. She has even asked us if she can touch his head. Kind of creepy but cute at the same time.

Helping out.

Waiting Waiting and HE is here!

I was waiting for this little guy (or girl we didn't know which it would be) for quit sometime. This time around Luke and I planned this pregnancy out and boy did it take forever to get to this point. My pregnancy went great. I gained, let's just say less, weight than with Maris and I tried to work out and be active this time. I think it made a difference. I felt like it was a boy about the last half of the pregnancy. I carried Hudson all out front and Maris all in the butt. Well since I was so overly ready for this little guy to get out of me I talked the doctor into inducing me early. The hospital wouldn't let it happen until I was 39 weeks so we waited and when 39 weeks came my doctor went camping. I wasn't too upset since Dr. Hodges never does anything and I wasn't having the baby right then anyways. So to make a long story short we were going to wait until he came back into town to have the induction. All the while I felt horrible thinking I was pushing the baby out before it's time and thought if it's meant to be God will let it happen. A great lesson in submitting to his desires not mine! We were scheduled to go in on Tuesday the 28th to be induced that morning but my water broke the night before. We went in to the hospital about 8pm. They tried just about everything to get me to start contractions but nothing. So they put me on potosine (sp?) about 12:00 and I tried to labor for about 3 hours with no real contractions. Then I decided I needed a nap so I got an epidural and I guess that is what it took my body finally relaxed and I started to dilate and by 6:30 we were ready to have a baby. Just 1 thing my doctor was just getting back from camping and was scheduled to be there but hadn't arrived yet. The nurse had me do a few test pushes and as soon as she told me I was ready to go my doctor showed up. I thought Luke was going to cry when he saw him he was so happy. Dr. Hodges delivered our beautiful baby boy Hudson Wade Hays at 7:00 AM July 28th 2009. He weighed 8lbs 1oz and was 20 inches long. I wasn't surprised it was a boy just happy he was finally here. We feel so blessed to have him a part of our family and lives. He is such a good baby, as long as he is being held ;-).

The Winkle's

The Winkle's

My Music
